Victor Paruta - Keynote Speaker

The Energy in Objects: Psychometry Connection & Messages


Victor Paruta

Victor Paruta was named “Best Psychic” by Cincinnati Magazine for his “mysteriously accurate and compelling

readings.” He was featured nationally on ABC's The View and The List as an expert on ghosts and hauntings,

and on two episodes of Beyond Belief with George Noory (Season 2, Episodes 14 and 17) currently streaming

on the Gaia Channel on Amazon Prime. Victor was a regular guest and official psychic for Fox 19 TV, Q102

FM and Y96 FM and has appeared on all of Cincinnati’s major TV and Radio stations.

Victor is the founder of Cincinnati’s Victory of Light Expo, the Midwest’s largest body, mind and spirit expo,

which he produced for 30 years.

A Cincinnati resident for 40 years, Victor now lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. His psychic abilities include

mediumship, clairvoyance, aura reading, psychometry (reading objects, reading tarot, photos, places and pets.

He is available for readings and mediumship for individuals, families, small and large groups, parties and


Victor has extensive experience with the paranormal and has investigated haunted locations in the U.S. and


The Energy in Objects: Psychometry Connection & Messages

The Energy in Objects: Psychometry Connection & Messages" is an immersive class that delves into the fascinating realm of psychometry, exploring the intricate connection between objects and the energy they hold. Participants will embark on a journey to understand how objects can retain traces of past experiences, emotions, and energies, and how these imprints can be sensed and interpreted. Through engaging discussions, experiential exercises, and guided meditations, students will learn to hone their intuitive abilities to perceive and decipher the subtle messages embedded within objects. Whether examining heirlooms, everyday items, or historic artifacts, this class empowers individuals to unlock the hidden stories and insights waiting to be discovered within the tangible world around them, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of energy and matter.

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Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299