Mari Roberts - Speaker

Manifest Your Vision: Envisioning & Healing Workshop for a Transformative New Year


Mari Roberts

Mari empowers women to embrace their authenticity, discover their purpose, and create a thriving career, launch their dream business, or achieve a fulfilling work-life balance. Whether you dream of writing a book, leaving your job, or achieving career success, Mari's unique blend of psychic guidance, energy healing, and coaching can help you kickstart your journey.

With over 15 years of HR experience, Mari understands the challenges you face, both personally and professionally. She’ll empower you to tap into your intuition for better decision-making so that you can be more authentic, find meaning and live a fulfilling life. Mari's grounded presence creates a safe space for you to explore your possibilities. She blends the practical with the spiritual, guiding you with personalized sessions tailored to your goals.

Manifest Your Vision: Envisioning & Healing Workshop for a Transformative New Year

Cultivate your vision and bring it to life through this interactive workshop.

You’ll manifest your desires when you connect with and embody your vision through the senses and tangible action of creating your vision board.

You want to feel it.

When you embody your desire, you’re giving it life. It goes from abstract to concrete.

Here’s what you’ll get from our time together in this sacred workshop container:

Energetic shifts and attunements

Activation and alignment with vision

The clearing out of what no longer serves you

Practical actions steps to manifest your desires

Feeling energized and empowered to usher in your passions

Join me for a workshop to get clear on your desires and intentions for the new year. Confidently align with your vision and begin cultivating your dreams.

What we’ll be doing together:

Channeled message for the collective

Reflect on accomplishments and give gratitude for the past year

Visualization connecting to the energy for what you want to bring to life

Clarity, focus & intention for the year while

Creating space and boundaries to support the vision

Energy clearing to align with the highest frequency for the year

What you’ll need:

Notebook & pen for journaling

An open heart & mind and a willingness to have fun

Email :

Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299