Leslie Jean Kuntz - Speaker

Angelic Orb Connections 101

About Leslie

Leslie Jean Kuntz was born in Southern California and transplanted to a rural farm just south of the Canadian border as a child. From there she basically called the Midwest home living and working in a variety of states. Her passion was finding out why people do what they do which led her to her Bachelor studies in Criminal Justice, psychology at UND, Grand Forks, ND moving on to accept a Graduate scholarship @ MSU, Minot ND focusing on Deviant Behavior, Juvenile Delinquency and Business Organization while working as a Research Assistant for Dr. Dean Champion, Whereas she acted as Article coordinator for the Journal of Crime and Justice. There upon she has spent many years in a plethora of law enforcement positions working her way up to the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, FCI Englewood, Co as a Case Manger at a Mens Federal Prison. Leslie soon realized that being proactive and reaching out to our youth at a younger age may make all the difference. Her passion then became youth Case Management for non profits such as Big Brothers & Sisters where she completed home stuies, personality studies in order to match youth with a compatible mentor. Moving on to Youth Dynamics where she contracted for the state to create a Therapeutic Foster & Adoptive care program, completing SAFE Home Studies and investigations, orchestrating state certified training for CASA, Social Services and Foster/Adoptive parents. She herself was a foster parent for hard to place adolescents. Another facility named Rebound was a maximum security Treatment Facility where the toughest juvenile offenders were placed for rehabilitation, their last stopping point before adult prison. Here she was a Group Leader where she created a treatment plan and the team of staff and fellow inmates helped each other learn ways to stop past flawed behavior and become more responsible in making positive choices moving forward. For over the last decade Leslie has spent her time as a realtor, her new passion. She is often heard saying “ I’d talk you out of buying a house before I’d talk you into one if its not right for you”! Her hobbies are Investor, Entrepreneur, Photography, writing, reading, traveling, conferences and just people in general. Her belief in life is that everyone has a spark of goodness, focus on the light NOT the darkness.

Angelic Orb Connections 101

Align your ability & belief to set your intention to develop a connection with spirit orbs. You will be amazed at how soon you be creating a collection of fascinating pictures of your own! Whether it be Spirit Guides, Deities, Elementals, Angelic Realms or a loved one, Angelic Orb Connections 101 will help set you at ease and create a unique quick start for immediate result. A simple phone or digital camera is all you need once your belief & intention is aligned. I am able to present an extraordinary library of Orb pictures, guests can sit back relax amazed at what they can do themselves as I explain & show the loving interactions of Orbs.

Email : spiritheartcruise@gmail.com

Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299