Jennie Marie, star of TLC's Mama Medium - Speaker

Meditation: Why, When and How

About Jennie Marie

Jennie Marie is the star of TLC's Mama Medium! Jennie is a fourth-generation empathic psychic medium with a positive outlook that has lent itself well to her success. She has three main gifts she uses in all her readings. Mediumship, where Jennie Marie relays messages from passed loved ones. She is an empath, meaning she can literally feel energy around her, which gives her validation from the other side. AND Jennie can see into the future. She's a trifecta! Readings are often filled with healing, closure and laughs. Jennie Marie's sense of humor has led her to believe in a past life she was a comedian. She loves to laugh and to make others laugh. This gift paired with her spiritual gift has made her one of the most sought-after mediums. Jennie is super relatable; she is a wife and mom to four teenage boys. Yes, some of the boys have similar gifts, but leave the spotlight to mama. You may see her around the hockey rink giving readings to strangers. Jennie Marie's philosophy towards daily life is in line with the Golden Rule or the Laws of Attraction: meaning, what you give to the universe, you get back tenfold. With a tag line of "Live your life, like it's the only one you have!"

Meditation: Why, When and How

I will teach about why meditation is so great for our balance of mind, body and soul. I will discuss the difference in types of meditations and when, timing must be best. I will share relatable stories of my journey with mediation and how to interpret when you're at your highest vibration.

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Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299