Jacqueline Chase - Sound Healer

Evening with Crystal Singing Bowls


Jacqueline Chase

From the Early Stages of life I have been a Highly Intuitive and Empathic being. I am an ULM Minister, NCC Minister, Expert Rated Life Coach, Reiki MASTER, LMT of over 15yrs. I have numerous years of Metaphysical Studies and currently Holding a Bachelor's Degree in process of PhD. Metaphysical Counseling, along with being a Prayer Chaplain. Chakra Sound Bowl Facilitator.

I offer Prayer Sessions, Energy Healing Sessions, Life/Love Intuitive Coaching/Strategy sessions. I get downloaded channeled information many times throughout the day when I am connected via constant Meditation mode. I am helpful, Kind and sometimes use humor to get the messages across, Sometimes for those that need a little kick- I do that too. All in the intention of Global LOVE and Caring. I am an active listener so it helps when I start getting the channeled information that starts to stream through. Throughout Life I meet people in which they are a friend I have yet to know. I do whatever I can to help give the best insight and information to assist in a persons Path for personal Divinity reconnection.


Namaste Precious SOULS

Email : spiritheartcruise@gmail.com

Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299