Cathleen Elle - Speaker

Weaving Light Into Life After Loss

About Cathleen

Cathleen Elle is a transformational speaker, certified master coach and healer, grief weaver, visionary guide for life-shattering events, and an award-winning author. Her book, Shattered Together: A Mother’s Journey From Grief to Belief, is a practical guide for those struggling with loss of any kind and has become an award-winning, #1 international bestseller on Amazon. Cathleen's journey with non-traditional healing modalities has been a significant part of her life, supporting her own healing and transformation, and now incorporating them in her work as a guide and educator. After experiencing the loss of her son to suicide, Cathleen left her political career of 25+ years and stepped into a journey of weaving light into life after a lifelong journey of loss and for the past decade plus, she has made it her life purpose to assist others to do the same. Cathleen provides personalized one-on-one support, virtual & in-person group workshops, and transformative retreats for women who have experienced loss. She inspires audiences on topics such as suicide prevention, grief, loss, and self-discovery.

Weaving Light Into Life After Loss

Loss comes in many forms, from the death of a loved one to the loss of a job and is often glazed over, ignored, and masked. It directly affects our emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Looking at life from what we have lost, we can see that unresolved grief is an underlying root cause that prevents alignment of the mind, body, and spirit.

Join grief weaver Cathleen Elle in this workshop with a multidimensional approach to dissolving pain associated with loss. Through a somatic grief dissolving exercise, mindfulness practice, and more, you will:

Find grace within grief

Dissolve limiting stories through creating new and more powerful ones

Identify one gift from the loss you have experienced

Tune into your own intuitiveness as you dissolve unresolved pain

Connect with compassion for self while being curious about the feelings

Gain skills for emotional reactions

Embody your inner guidance and wisdom

Easy to apply practices and strategies for your daily life

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Phone : 813-421-2615

For booking travel contact Pete Peterson: 703-999-9299